ITE or Private?

Posted: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 by ♫ یүζvεیтεя in

I'm deciding for very long whether to start from ITE or take up private.. The problem is money.. if i have money... i'd surely take up private or even go overseas to study.. Life's hard.. but it's ok.. i serve a great God.. and great things happens.

Of course.. if you know me.. i like the arts industry.. like music... composing... playing.. performing.. dancing.. related.. so i have plan A here..


  • Enroll into ITE CHUA CHU KANG next year 2011. Taking up Audio & Video Technology. Anyway.. the new ITE in Chua Chu Kang is like HUGE. It's another version of ITE College East Simei. WOOTS
  • Gotta do really well to secure a GPA more than 3.5 to be able to advance to Polytechnic.
  • Once i get the required GPA, I'll take up Sonic Arts in Republic Polytechnic.
  • And hopefully, i'd be praying.. to major in music related course in University. And only God.. can make it happen.

Yea.. that's Plan A. Sorry.. Plan B... haven't thought of any.. Unless an angel comes and offers me a contract.. offer to groom me... offer to sponsor me to all the needs i need to produce good music... Dance... ha... other than that.. i guess... face the reality! haha.

But i am really looking forward to school! Dying to go back to school! I just don't understand why student nowadays dread going to school.. like what the heck's wrong with them? C'mon.. school is like so fun.. pray that God will bring me through the times and brings what's best for me yea? Thanks. =D

Come Home Running to God.

Posted: Monday, June 28, 2010 by ♫ یүζvεیтεя in

Oh heart of mine, why must you stray?
From one so fair you run away
And one more time you have to pay
The heaviness of needless shame

Oh heart of mine, come back home
You've been too long out on your own
And He's been there all along
Watching for you down the road

So come home running
His arms are open wide
His name is Jesus
He understands
He is the answer
You are looking for
So come home running
Just as you are

Oh child of God so dearly loved
And ransomed by the Savior's blood
And called by name, Daughter and Son
Wrapped in the robe of righteousness 

So come home running
His arms are open wide
His name is Jesus
He understands
He is the answer
You are looking for
So come home running
Just as you are

It was then You who carried me all the way.

Posted: by ♫ یүζvεیтεя in

One night i had a dream. I dreamt I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from my life. 

For each scene i noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; one belonging to mine and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of my life flashed before me, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that many times along the path of my life there was only one set of footprints. I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of my life. 

This really bothered me and I questioned the Lord about it. 

"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you’d walk with me all the way, however I noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there was only one set of footprints. I don’t understand why, when I needed you most you would leave me." 

The Lord replied, "my precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you." 

Thank You Lord. 

About the Lord's Prayer.

Posted: by ♫ یүζvεیтεя in

It is important that we review "The Lord's Prayer" from time to time, for a number of reasons

  • As a check - to see if we are praying aright.
  • As motivation to learn how to pray at a deeper level.
  • As a guide , so that our prayers to the Lord are more organized.

  • Is our relationship with God as Father deeper and more meaningful as we pray to Him each day?
  • Are we more conscious of how we should hallow or sanctify our Father's Holy Name, even as we pray?
  • Are we praying for things related to the Lord's Kingdom?
  • Are we more submissive to the Will of the Lord?
  • Are we trusting the Lord to supply all our earthly needs?
  • Are we conscious of our need to be forgiven of all our sins? Are we also conscious of the need to forgive those who grieve us?

Let's do more than just offer prayers to God. Let us be challenged to cultivate a Prayer Life instead!

The word "temptations" may also be translated as "testings." Life on earth will always be fraught with problems. These problems test us in a number of ways. Among other things, our faith in God is tested. Our character will also be severely tested.
We cannot determine how we will be tested. However, we can pray that the testing will be tempered with mercy. We may pray that the Lord would allow us to escape severe testings.
It is natural to pray that we may be spared from testings. The Lord Jesus Himself prayed thus,
"Father, if it is Your will,
Take this cup from Me;
Nevertheless, not My will,
But Yours be done…"

Luke 22:42

As we do not know the full will of God, and often He does not disclose or reveal His full will, it is perfectly all right to pray that we might be spared from testings.
Is it safe to pray thus? Yes, if we also bear in mind that we will accept God's will. If God's will is such that we must undergo testings, then so be it.
This prayer is therefore sent forth to the Lord to explore and to discover His will. This prayer is sent forth to the Father to plead His mercies as well.

The Lord Jesus offered this prayer three times consecutively. This was His way of praying interactively. He was expecting His Father to respond to Him.
His Father answered! Only One who has the closest relationship with the Father would be able to perceive His will! His Father's will was for Jesus to drink the cup of suffering placed in His hand.

Having ascertained God's will, Jesus submitted Himself to that revealed and confirmed will. Even as He prayed, He readied Himself to drink that bitter cup of suffering.

One of the most important things that the Lord Jesus sought to teach His Disciples was that they had a wicked enemy - here called, "The Evil One." (This is a better rendering of the Greek text. The translation , "Deliver us from evil" waters down the impact of what the Lord Jesus was teaching. He was teaching His Disciples to pray for deliverance from the wiles of the evil one, and not just the general presence of evil.)
The Lord Jesus Himself was not spared from severe testing by the Devil (Luke 4:1-13). He was aware of how power and deceit of the Devil. He urged His Disciples to pray that they may be spared from severe testings.
However, if severe testings cannot be avoided, they may pray that God would deliver them from the power of the evil one.

A case in point is found in Luke 22:31-32. The Lord Jesus told Peter plainly that Satan would severely test him. If possible, Satan would like to bring Peter down. He would at least, "sift him as wheat" (Luke 22:31).
Jesus then comforted Peter by saying, "But I have prayed for you" (Luke 22:32). Prayer was the Lord's means of protecting Peter from being destroyed by the devil.
Yes, Peter was not spared the pain and ignominy of denying the Lord Jesus Christ! However, we must also remember that Peter was fully restored and went on to become an outstanding disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ later.

The Apostle Paul wrote to warn the Ephesian Church of the fact that there was a spiritual conflict between the Lord's people and Satan. This conflict will exist till the Lord puts the Devil down permanently one day.
In the meanwhile, we must expect great spiritual battles in our lifetime. The way to find victory in this spiritual warfare is to learn how to pray effectively. Let us be deeply challenged to deepen our prayer life!

Surrendering everything to You Lord.

Posted: by ♫ یүζvεیтεя in

Lord, what have i done? I must have done something to somehow.. dim the light in me and causing the surroundings to blind for a moment.. I have cause much misunderstandings & different perspective to the surroundings. Lord, i want to be wise in my actions & what i put across to people.. this has been a problem with me all along. All the time people misunderstands my intentions.. is it the cause of being too sociable or maybe i'm taking it fast? Why is it that people are so quick to judge just merely by seeing or reading or getting to know some rumors from another?

Well! From today onwards i am going to put up the armors of God and i am going to guard these against the devil. I am going to meditate on God's word daily, rooted into my brain.. that i may not be foolish to do the wrong things.. be it conciously or unconciously.. Lord please help me to be on track of what you have for me. What you have planned for me.. and what you intended me to be.. I know.. it is your promise.. You told me You're gonna do something great in me.. I admit that i underestimated the devil's evil plans to crush me slowly.. and that You've warned me too even before You start Your work in me.

Lord. Thank you for showing me how serious You are to me and how i might just taste death if unholiness resides in me.. I am so unworthy to the point of eternal condemnation, but still you choose to pick me up.. laid your hands on me.. cloth me.. feed me.. took care of me.. and slowly refining me.. Thank You so much Lord. Fill me with Your spirit once again. As i surrender everything that i am to You Lord. It's time to put up the Armor Of God & fight through this race marked out for me. JIA YOU.

My Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Your Name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give me this day my daily bread.
And forgive me my trespasses,
As i forgive those who trespass against me.
And lead me not into temptation,
But deliver me from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.

God, I'm holding on.

Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 by ♫ یүζvεیтεя in

I am holding on.

Really TIGHT.

Though it seems very DRY.

Still, i will trust in You.

Even when my heart breaks into many pieces.

And it seems like it all dosen't meant to be.

Still i will trust in You.

I will bless the Lord all day long.

I am holding on.

A true faithful follower or just a proclaimer?

Posted: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 by ♫ یүζvεیтεя in

I'm one of these strugglers too.. Being a true follower... laying down everything just to follow... how many would do it? We can go to church every saturday or sunday.. to be super high.. to be very very HOLY.. to say Amen.. hallelujah.. and stuff..... but when the music dies down.. the service ends.. Here comes all the worldly nature of humans again.. Hatred... Anger... Pride.. Ego... all these... Of course we ain't perfect you see... Even those highly reputable Man in the Bible.. had their downfall times too.. what say we normal humans who dosen't even have the right to touch the sandals of the Lord..

How can we even come to the sanctuary to pray and worship with hearts full of hatred.. pride... ego... anger...? What are we potraying? Seriously if we were being asked to go out to evangelise... to really talk to anyone we see on the streets about God.. How many CHRISTIANS would really do that? When we can't even put down our pride... ego.... anger...? A common place.. In school.. how many would really let everyone know.. "Hey Guys! I'm Christian here!" And only to be so careful and afraid each and every steps they make... hopefully those who arn't Christian won't pick on their mistakes? I have so many such doubts in mind.. and i'm struggling with these stuffs too...

I don't understand how people can teach about God to others when they themselves show the other way round? It's quite shameful if the one they're teaching knows every shit about their teacher.... again.. of course we humans ain't perfect.. The problem with lots of Christians now adays.. They think they are "higher" then non christians.. since they are the Child of God.. and sub conciously think they can do everything themselves.. That very problem with Christians is that they want to PLAY GOD. They wan to play the role of God.. Then only to find themselves not being able to accomplish alot of stuffs.. and then runs away with a perception that maybe Christianity isn't meant for them.. We can't PLAY GOD. NOR CAN WE BE GOD!.... Of course we can be like God..

Now.. having thinking so much.. the ultimate question here is... "How many "CHRISTIANS" will really still proclaim they are "CHRISTIANS" when the time comes?" When the knife is held right at your neck. When Judgement Day is here. How many will then still be as high.. as holy.. as enthusiatic when they were in church every saturday and sunday jumping in service and praise? That's the ultimate question.. I say many will turn away to the Devil. Because all these while.. they knew about their hatred... anger... pride.. ego... and they never did anything about it with God's help. Instead they escape from their problems... and on the very day of Judgement they will ESCAPE too. Sounds familiar? If it is.. then start doing something.. it's not too late to start repenting... mending the relationships with people around you.. really understanding Christ and stuff..

It's either you repent or perish. We can be as holy as enthusiatic as high all we want all the days of our lives on earth... and we can always also deny ourselves and not taking Christ's advice on our own pride.. ego... anger.. hatred all these worldly stuffs... yea.. If we're such Christians.. Then don't even think of entering the Kingdom when the time has come! Shame on us!

Unless we humble ourselves down.. our PRIDE... EGO.. ANGER.. HATRED... all these nonsense.. which is hard for humans to do so.. if you say it's easy or you.. please slap yourself across your face hard and say "I'm Lying". I gotta start doing something.

Nice Song!

Posted: by ♫ یүζvεیтεя in

It's in the silences,
The words you never say,
I see it in your eyes,
Always starts the same way..

I see you look at me when you think I'm not aware,
You're searching for clues of just how deep my feelings are,
How do you prove the sky is blue, the ocean's wide?
All I know is what I feel when I look into your eyes...

I promise you from the bottom of my heart,
I will love you till death do us apart,
I promise you as a lover and a friend,
I will love you like I never love again,
With everything that I am..

I know you're hurting,
Right now you feel like you could never love again,
Now all I ask is for a chance,
To prove that I love you..

From the first day,
That I saw your smiling face,
You never knew how much you've captivated my heart..

When I asked you out,
You said "No" but I guess,
That you'd been hurt,
You thought that you'd never love again..

I deserve a try girl, just once,
Give me a chance and I'll prove this all wrong,
You walked in,
You were so quick to judge,
But girl, he's nothing like me..

As time goes by,
You will get to know me,
A little more better,
Girl that's the way love goes..

And I know you're afraid,
To let your feelings show,
I understand,
But girl it's time to let go...

I'll never break your heart,
I'll never make you cry,
I'd rather die than live without you,
I'll give you all of me girl, and that's no lie..

Cause you won't be able to find another shorty like mine! =D

Radical Conferece 2010!

Posted: Friday, June 11, 2010 by ♫ یүζvεیтεя in

Thank God so much for giving me the opportunity to use what i love doing to serve him. My cup's seriously overflowing i can't contain it... I don't know why God is doing so much in life now.. all i know.. is i am anticipating more and more of his works in me.

I made alot more new friends in church. It feels really great.. God knows other than church friends.. i aint got not much friends already.. God seems to be providing almost what i am needing.. I really don't know what to do to be able to fully thank God.. Beyond description....

God is doing so much in me.. that i literally broke down while worshiping... i just wanted to give Him the best worship i can to Him. Thank you Lord. Really.. never felt so great in my life before.. never felt that someone like me.. could do something for you God.

I am a rubble.. and You saw what's in me... instead of really Godly people.. You chose to use me.. a once dirty and screwed guy.. There is nothing greater compared to You.. God.. I Love You.. Show me more of your wonderful plans in my life Lord. Thank you so much...

Ha.. God.. ya know.. She totally rock my socks God.. hah.. You know.. i've never came across someone like her though.. You know it God.. You know who i'm talking about.. You know it all Lord. But i am not gonna think much about it God.. Cause it's like she is You know... And i am like You know... haha..I still don't have any faith that i'd get the girl i really like. Ha... Anyway.. thank you God... really.. very much.. i am overwhelmed. =D