It's Raning...

Posted: Sunday, August 23, 2009 by ♫ یүζvεیтεя in

It's 1:15am now... had a great day with church peeps... today's CG was quite a big group.. haha.. glad to see it.. cause it just shows that everyone's serious! Haha.. worship was wonderful.. as i stand behind of everyone.. i see something different.. it's so spectacular.. you'll feel God's love..

Just went for another session of lasering few days ago.. was so painful.. and now it's having bubbles on it.. cause i told the person doing for me to adjust the intensity higher.. so that it penetrates deeper and disperse the ink hopefully my tattoos might be gone faster.. i could see some significance in the inks.. some even faded completely.. GONE.  guess it's because that part must be just up in the skin.. so it was easier for it to vanish.

God.. i really pray you'd use your hands to do miracle through the lasering.. i really pray you'd make it vanish faster.. since i won't wake up to see my tattoos COMPLETELY GONE the next day... Now that my SHAPE is being shaped out.. i guess i should find ways to execute it.. haha

Andy asked today if God layed down a dream for me before... i actually had this dream before.. to find people who play music.. and we compose our own inspirational christian songs.. that was what i really would like to do.. my dream... cause.. music seriously does wonders.. it is able to inspire you to do something.. Music rocks!

It's raining outside now.. as lightning flashes lights up my room.. i shall kiss myself good night and turn in.. sleep tight. GOOD NIGHT.  =D